Code of Conduct

  1. The coach fully accepts her obligation of professional confidentiality.
  2. The coach respects the boundaries of her profession and accepts all liability for the services provided.
  3. The coach strives for the highest level of professional conduct.



De cliënt van de coach (hierna cliënt) weet uiteindelijk het best wat goed voor hem/haar is en kan zowel in zijn/haar privé als professioneel bestaan, zelf, op basis van eigen afwegingen, een keuze maken in wat hij/zij wel of niet wil. Dientengevolge is de cliënt ook zelf verantwoordelijk voor de keuzen die hij/zij maakt en de beslissingen die hij/zij neemt.

1. The coach fully accepts her obligation of professional confidentiality.
This rule applies to all information the coach is being exposed to during the interaction with the client. There is a relationship of trust between coach and client. The coach has a full non-disclosure obligation concerning all information that one may expect to be private or confidential, only under extreme circumstances certain information could be released on legal grounds. The coach will only report directly to the client. Only after written permission by the client, a third party may be reported to. In such case the client will be physically present and he/she will be briefed beforehand about the content of the information reported.

The coach may be taking notes in order to provide an optimal service. These notes are strictly for private use to the coach and not to be shared with other parties. The coach takes full responsibility for secure filing of these notes.

2. The coach respects the boundaries of her profession and accepts all liability for the services provided.
In case client’s employer or any other third party sponsors the coaching sessions, the coach will make sure that all parties will be equally informed about the nature, terms and conditions of the coaching contract. The coach is independent, honest, and trustworthy and at all times free in providing the coaching service.

The coach does not accept any contract which may lead to any form of conflict between sponsor and client. The coach only offers her services to motivated clients who made the choice to be coached out of their own free will; free will and effort are necessary for accepting and fulfilling the contract.

The coach will only provide her services when she expects to have the experience required to address the coaching issue. If she expects this may not be the case, the contract will be declined. If the coach, at any moment during the contract, discovers that additional expertise would be beneficial, she will refer the client to a different expert.

3. The coach strives for the highest level of professional conduct.
The coach offers her coaching service based upon her qualifications, skills and knowledge gained through experience and training. She is aware of the boundaries of her experience and competence and closely monitors her own limitations. The coach keeps herself well informed and is up-to-date on and open to new coaching practices and methods. The coach frequently organizes and attends to inter vision meetings with other coaches.

This code of conduct was inspired by the guidelines of ‘De Associatie van Business Coaches’ (Association of Business Coaches), to whom many thanks.

Anne-Else Højberg